Tuesday, August 30, 2011

28 Week Update - 3rd Trimester

28 Week Baby Bump

We are officially beginning our 3rd trimester... Holy cow has this pregnancy gone fast!!
The baby weighs 2 and 1/4 lbs and is almost 15 inches long (according to babycenter) He/she is able to blink her eyes, and even has eye lashes now. I can't wait to meet the little booger!!

I went in for my 28 week labs yesterday, and had to take the 1 hr glucose test. Yuck. That stuff is awful! This afternoon we had our appointment with Sherry. The baby is measuring on schedule, (even though I feel WAY bigger than I was with Tyler at this point!) and his/her heart rate is in the 140's again :)

I am still having lots of braxton hicks contractions (which isn't any different than with Tyler - so Sherry is not concerned) My heart burn has come on with a vengiance - so it looks as though this little guy/girl is going to have lots of hair, just like Tyler did!

All of my blood tests came back normal, so that is good! Sherry let us know that we will start coming in every other week, now... I still cannot believe that we are this far along already!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Ultra Sound - 24 weeks, 2 days

Profile of Baby Hiestand #2

We had our follow up ultrasound today... my 'low lying placenta' has resolved!! It has 'moved' completely away from my cervix, so we are excited about that! I haven't spoken with Sherry yet, but I am hoping that when I do, I will be off all of my restrictions.

The baby was moving all around (like usual) and his/her heart rate was 132 today. You could tell that the baby was starting to get some fat on his face, even though he only weighs 1 lb, 10 oz right now. We got some really cute pictures of his little nose and mouth - it's crazy how much his nose and mouth looks like Tyler's!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

24 Week Appointment

Today we had our 24 week appointment. The baby was moving around like crazy. His/her heart rate was in the 140's-150's and sounded great! We talked a lot with Sherry about the 'low lying placenta'. Apparently there was a little 'misunderstanding' after the last appointment... I should have been taking it easy again, no heavy lifting and no extra-curricular activities ;) and somehow we missed that information!!

So we are going to go ahead and have our follow up ultra sound tomorrow, instead of at our 28 week appointment, to see if it has resolved. If it has, then i will be able to go back to 'normal' activities. If not, then I would guess that she will want another one later on. Keep your fingers crossed it has resolved!!