Tuesday, November 8, 2011

38 Week Appointment

We went in to see Sherry today, and it was pretty funny because she came in and said, "I did not think you would make it until today!" And we said, I know, we didn't either!!

She did her usual, measured the baby and listened to it's heart beat. He/she still sounded good. (Sounded 130-140's) She asked how I was feeling and I told her ok. Still have some random strong contractions, but tons of my normal Braxton Hicks. She said to continue to take it easy... the longer the baby stays in, the better. She wanted to check me and I agreed as long as she could do it 'gently' and not stir things up!! LOL! So she did.

I am 2 cm dilated, 80% effaced, and my cervix is still posterior, but very, very soft. She seems to think we will have the baby in the next week.

I am really hoping it is not Thursday or Friday - but I know Mother Nature likes to do things her way, so whatever happens, happens!! We would actually really like to make it until at least next Monday, so we will see!!

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